Please check your email reception settings.
In addition to the automatic email sent immediately after your order,
we will definitely send you an email titled "Order Confirmation and Thank You" within the next business day after your order.
Since we send important information regarding payment and other matters during your order,
if you do not receive the email, we kindly ask you to contact us.
Customers using free email services such as hotmail, yahoo mail, or Gmail,
as well as those using mobile email addresses, may sometimes report that our emails are not being delivered properly.
There may also be cases where order confirmation emails or shipping emails are returned with errors from the recipient's server.
Additionally, we have received numerous reports from customers registered with ezweb that they have not received emails from us.
It seems that emails sent from addresses that should not have issues due to spam settings on the ezweb server may still not be received.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please check your email settings and
set it to receive emails from 【】.
Emails may also be sorted into the 《Spam Folder》, so we kindly ask you to check once again.
If you do not receive our emails, please contact us via the inquiry form or
call us for assistance.
Tel: 0120-806-315